Property | Value |
_fartcoinoverconfidently | 0xa00cbdfab864372aefc20f979bbda0d19b0b65d3 |
decimals | 9 |
name | Fartcoin |
owner | 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 |
symbol | Fartcoin |
tax | 0 |
totalSupply | 1000000000000000000 |
Metric | Value |
Calls Count | 7105 |
External calls | 22 |
Internal calls | 7083 |
Transactions count | 2932 |
Uniq Callers | 22 |
Days contract called | 2 |
Last transaction time | 2024-12-19 07:16:48 UTC |
Created | 2024-12-18 13:00:47 UTC in block 44981946 |
Create TX | 0xeea492a672d7d79a7fd783c222ab9f784131c0e11cf80d4aba524fd27ab154eb |
Creator | 0xa00cbdfab864372aefc20f979bbda0d19b0b65d3 |
ActiveRecord::ActiveRecordError: Response code: 500: Code: 407, e.displayText() = DB::Exception: Decimal convert overflow: while converting source column divider to destination column divider (version (official build))
ActiveRecord::ActiveRecordError: Response code: 500: Code: 407, e.displayText() = DB::Exception: Decimal convert overflow: while converting source column divider to destination column divider (version (official build))