Binance (BNB) Smart Chain Mainnet   Congratulations! Your Exit Point Fund has been completed. Please proceed with the transaction and settle the Crypto tax of 5% to complete the transfer. (Message) Token in Binance (BNB) Smart Chain Mainnet. Smart Contract with address: 0xaded1f176dc8d8a72e24e2d1a37ad1a2ca93160f
Congratulations! Your Exit Point Fund has been completed. Please proceed with the transaction and settle the Crypto tax of 5% to complete the transfer. (Message) Smart Contract Readonly Properties
Congratulations! Your Exit Point Fund has been completed. Please proceed with the transaction and settle the Crypto tax of 5% to complete the transfer. (Message) Smart Contract Statistics
Daily Congratulations! Your Exit Point Fund has been completed. Please proceed with the transaction and settle the Crypto tax of 5% to complete the transfer. (Message) Smart Contract Calls
Daily Congratulations! Your Exit Point Fund has been completed. Please proceed with the transaction and settle the Crypto tax of 5% to complete the transfer. (Message) Smart Contract Callers
Currencies sent/received by Congratulations! Your Exit Point Fund has been completed. Please proceed with the transaction and settle the Crypto tax of 5% to complete the transfer. (Message) Smart Contract
Balance of Congratulations! Your Exit Point Fund has been completed. Please proceed with the transaction and settle the Crypto tax of 5% to complete the transfer. (Message) Smart Contract